There’s no denying TikTok’s popularity; the platform currently has one billion active users worldwide and while some refer to it for entertainment, others seek advice.

With self-improvement videos gaining vast popularity on the social media platform, the experts at RANT Casino were keen to reveal the top trending tips to attract luck, according to TikTok.

TikTok’s most trending tips to attract luck into your life:

1. Manifestation - 8,600,000 TikTok Hashtags

In essence, manifestation is focusing on your aspirational thoughts and believing you can turn them into a reality. Practicing this method can help you learn more about yourself and pinpoint which goals you want to achieve, as well as the things that are really important in your life. While there are various ways you can manifest, perhaps the most popular one is to choose something you really want and then write it down on a piece of paper while fully believing it is going to happen, so that you can attract it into your life.

2. Affirmations - 3,023,100 TikTok Hashtags

Affirmations are positive phrases that you repeat to yourself, helping you to challenge your negative thoughts and overcome them. They can be very useful for changing the way you think, the way you feel about yourself and the way you talk to yourself. To implement affirmations in your daily routine, you can either write them down yourself or find pre-written affirmations that you think are a good fit and start repeating them, whilst truly believing in them. 

3. Law of Attraction - 1,720,406 TikTok Hashtags

The basis of the law of attraction is that essentially you attract into your life the same energy/feelings/thoughts that you put out into the universe. Therefore, if you are projecting positive thoughts, you’re going to bring positivity in your life, while if you’re projecting negative thoughts, you’re going to bring negativity. Finding the positive in a situation, identifying your negative thoughts and reshaping them into positive ones are a few things you can do to use the law of attraction in your life.

4. Positive Thinking - 705,600 TikTok Hashtags 

Positive thinking is linked to numerous benefits, such as reducing stress, lowering the risk of heart problems, improving leadership and problem-solving skills, and thinking more creatively. It’s important to note that thinking positively doesn’t mean ignoring any negative situations in your life. It means taking a more optimistic view of any negatives and working out how to make the best of any bad circumstances, which with practice can shape the way you approach things.

5. Visualisation - 295,300 TikTok Hashtags  

Visualisation is the technique of creating a very strong image of something that you want to happen in the future. You need to imagine that future achievement in as much detail as possible, experience it with all your senses and visualise that achievement every day. Practicing visualisation can be beneficial for your ability to focus, your level of confidence and your motivation.

6. Feng Shui - 163,955 TikTok Hashtags

Feng Shui is the practice of arranging items in your home in a specific way to create harmony in your surroundings. By introducing this practice into your life, you will also be inviting positive changes. A main principle of Feng Shui is creating a balance between people and nature, and it is that harmony that can help decrease your stress by making you feel more calm, happy and optimistic.

7. Gratitude - 31,991 TikTok Hashtags

Gratitude is noticing and appreciating all the good things in your life on a daily basis. Taking the time to acknowledge what you are grateful for every day can help improve your mood, encourage a more positive outlook and build more meaningful relationships with people. Keeping a gratitude journal is a great way to start practicing gratitude - you can do that by either writing the things you’re grateful for in a notebook, or get a guided gratitude journal to fill in.