High achieving Birmingham pupils visit Oxbridge to encourage them academically
Birmingham learners from Ninestiles, An Academy, and Cockshut Hill School have visited the world-renowned universities of Oxford and Cambridge this week.
Birmingham learners from Ninestiles, An Academy, and Cockshut Hill School have visited the world-renowned universities of Oxford and Cambridge this week.
A Wolverhampton school where pupils 'thrive' has been judged to be Outstanding in many areas by Ofsted.
Over 600 students, teachers and parents attended the third edition of an award-winning careers fair for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) last week – the most ever.
Pupils at Spring Meadow Primary School in Harwich are observing and helping local garden birds, thanks to a thoughtful donation from Barratt and David Wilson Homes.
Grange Primary School hosted a round table event with representatives from North East Lincolnshire Council, education providers, partners and local parents to bring the discussion of EHE (Elective Home Education) to the forefront.
More than 2,500 children and young people from across Wolverhampton and the Black Country will get the chance to experience the joy of a live orchestral performance next month.